Honoring the Women of Wounded Knee ‘73 | June 2024


WWP director, Beth Castle, spoke to high school Ethnic Studies educators about developing curriculum using oral history, including using WWP’s archive and exhibition. The event was hosted by UC Berkeley as part of their High School Ethnic Studies Initiative. Check out the event page here.

Dr. Beth Castle talked through ways she has used oral history throughout her career in and out of academia, and the power of the interview process itself. Teachers gave us invaluable advice on how we can design curricula and tool-kits that can be integrated into high school curriculum. At a time when critical race theory is under attack across the U.S., we will push forward with our work to make Indigenous women’s stories accessible and actionable for teachers and students.


There are many more layers of this history yet to be told and we are calling on your support to help us work with the community to share it. Donate today!